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My Media Timeline

  • Radio

    I was initially exposed to radio in 2009, and back then, when I started listening to it, it really attracted my attention. Radio provides its listeners with news or drama. When sounds are transformed into radio waves and transferred to a receiver, the receiver converts the waves back to sound, radio is communication over distance.
  • Television

    Way back in 2010, I was exposed to television, or what we called TV. For some reason, I've been spending too much time watching movies with my relatives in such a way that it could entertain us and give us some quality time while watching. Television is one of the most popular devices that is used for entertainment all over the world. It is an electronic device for viewing television programs and movies, consisting of a display screen and speakers.
  • Computer

    I was exposed to computers in 2014 when my auntie bought a new one and her son influenced me then to use it and learn more about it. Computer is an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.
  • Keypad Phone

    Keypad Phone
    In 2016, my mother bought a phone, and I started using it to communicate with them if we're far from one another. A keypad phone is a type of phone that has a keypad rather than a touchscreen.
  • Facebook

    When my elementary journey was about to end, Facebook allowed me to enter the online world with the help of my best friend. Facebook is a website which allows users, who sign-up for free profiles, to connect with friends, work colleagues or people they don't know, online.
  • Android Phone

    Android Phone
    In 2017, my high school journey began, and the Android phone found its way to be more useful in terms of communicating with loved ones and for school work purposes. A typical Android cell phone is a smartphone with a touch screen interface, multiple connectivity options, Internet browsing capabilities, support for video playback and a camera.
  • Messenger

    Also in 2017, I started using an app called Messenger. It is a mobile app that enables chat, voice and video communications between the social media site's web-based messaging and smartphones.
  • YouTube

    In my second year of being a junior high student, one of my friends introduced her sources for watching movies, which is YouTube. YouTube is a popular video sharing website where registered users can upload and share videos with anyone able to access the site
  • Tiktok

    During the pandemic, TikTok is the most popular app that has grabbed the attention of millions of people, and I am one of them. Tiktok is a social media platform for creating, sharing, and discovering short videos.
  • Instagram

    In 2021, one of my friends recommended an app to me to use, which is Instagram, and I usually used it for a better experience. Instagram is a free, online photo-sharing application and social networking platform that was acquired by Facebook in 2012.
  • Twitter

    By the influence of others, I allowed myself to use twitter for best quality. Twitter is a social networking and microblogging online service that allows users to send and receive text-based messages or posts of up to 140 characters called "tweets."