Different young people reading together illustrated 52683 24586

My literary journey

  • classroom carpet

    classroom carpet
    It all began in Kindergarten and 1st grade, when the teacher often read my class a book as we sat on our colorful classroom rug. A variety of picture books, like Biscuit and Llama Llama Red Pajama, were read to us during snack break and just before dismissal.
  • My greatest discovery

    My greatest discovery
    I'm all grown up now that I'm in the third grade. We're finally allowed to take our library books home and I can fully enjoy my greatest discovery at any moment of the day. Dork Diaries. My new-found obsession triples my daily reading time and I can hardly wait until I "have library" next.
  • My first essay

    My first essay
    The first essay I had to write, according to my memory, was when I was in 4th grade. Our essays had to be about natural disasters, and mine was about hurricanes. I can't recall how well I did, but I'm sure I did fine. This essay opened the door to my academic writing journey
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    I'm now in the 5th grade and we're learning about the Boston Tea Party. In addition to learning how to write essays, I'm learning to corroborate and utilize multiple resources to support my essays. Reading the informational passages is not as enjoyable as binge-reading Dork Diaries, but it's not terrible.
  • Mesopotamia

    Now in 6th grade, grammar and spelling are being more closely looked at. Mesopotamia is one unit that we spent a lot of time on and wrote and read a lot about. We read multiple passages in textbooks and other documents to collect as much information for our writing assignments. From this point on, I believe, my writing started improving.
  • Independent Reading

    Independent Reading
    Once in Bailey, library was no longer a "special". We were given the freedom to go to the library all throughout the school day(with permission of course). Although I wasn't the most avid reader, I always made sure to have at least one book checked out from the library.
  • Tougher Work

    Tougher Work
    I'm introduced to honors classes and the classes are more demanding than what I am used to, however, I believe I can handle it. Essays are more scrutinized in grammar, spelling, and format. It does take me 3 tries to finally receive an A on my essay, but my writing improves greatly each time.
  • Nowadays

    Nowadays, I read for pleasure when I can or "in the mood" to read. I often find suggestions through TikTok or just look through the Barnes & Noble website. I also read Webtoons, but it's not really "challenging" as reading an actual novel. I really only write for school purposes, but I do want to try journaling .