My Literacy Timeline

  • 1988 Welcome to the World little one!

    1988 Welcome to the World little one!
    My parents started reading to me a few weeks after I was born. It became part of a nightly routine!
  • 1992 Time to learn!

    1992 Time to learn!
    I started asking my parents to read to me all the time. I loved reading and looking through books even by myself!
  • 1994 Dr. Seuss phase!

    1994 Dr. Seuss phase!
    I remember I became very interested in Dr. Seuss because his books were different than others I had read. He rhymed and I found thew way he wrote to be so funny!
  • 1995 My first favorite book, The Chocolate Touch5

    1995 My first favorite book, The Chocolate Touch5
    My 1st grade teacher read us this book and I remember it became a favorite of mine and I look forward to reading to my daughter one day. I still have a copy of this book on my bookshelves.
  • 1998 Goosebump Era!

    1998 Goosebump Era!
    I discovered goosebumps and RL Stine. I absolutely loved the spooky stories and that they were pretty quick reads. I liked watching the show goosebumps and seeing how the books differed from the show!
  • 1998 My all-time favorite junior read!

    1998 My all-time favorite junior read!
    I discovered this book Time Cat and read it over and over again! I loved getting the audio version at the library on tape cassette. This book made me feel like I was on a real adventure. It still sits on my shelf to this day!
  • 2000 Finding adventure in pages of a book!

    2000 Finding adventure in pages of a book!
    By the time I was 12 I was a avid reader. We visited the library frequently and I loved taking adventures through chapter books. Book fairs and book orders were my favorite thing at school.
  • 2002 Vampires, wolves and spiders oh my!

    2002 Vampires, wolves and spiders oh my!
    I fell hard for this series called "Cirque du freak" series by Darren Shan. I owned this whole series and read it so many times!
  • 2003 Reading is relaxing!

    2003 Reading is relaxing!
    I continue to read and found a love for books stores new and used! Barnes and noble became a place I loved to go to. I learned that I love horror, mystery and thrillers!
  • 2008 Gotta Grow up!

    2008 Gotta Grow up!
    I fell away from reading for a few years. I would still buy new books, but I would not read them. Life got busy and I was transitioning through things.
  • 2010 Reading taste is changing!

    2010 Reading taste is changing!
    Over the years I have learned to love all sorts of books mysteries and thrillers. I recall really getting into books that were movies like Pet Cemetary, IT and more that were written by Stephen King!
  • 2013 Read your way into positivity!

    2013 Read your way into positivity!
    My love for reading came back! I started to read again, but realized I enjoyed reading different things than before. Self help books, mediation, healthy living and more positive readings in general.
  • 2015 Adulting!

    2015 Adulting!
    I started reading books on managing my finances better and working on debt. There is literarily a book for everything!
  • 2016 Cooking all around!

    2016 Cooking all around!
    Around this time, I Became a member weight watchers. I really got into their cookbook's and trying new recipes!
  • 2018 Reading anywhere made easy!

    2018 Reading anywhere made easy!
    Still reading! Discovering thinks like Kindle and reading on my phone, which made it so convenient!
  • 2019 New favorite Author!

    2019 New favorite Author!
    I discovered Briam Keene. He is mix of thriller, horror, fantasy and so much more. It was different than what I was used to reading, but discovered I really liked it!
  • 2020 My love for biographies!

    2020 My love for biographies!
    I really started enjoying reading biographies on people like artist's, activist and just famous people in general!
  • 2021 Getting ready for baby!

    2021 Getting ready for baby!
    During my pregnancy I read many what to expect books and also books that dealt with raising a newborn. I learned a lot from reading these books!
  • 2023 Starting the cycle all over!

    2023 Starting the cycle all over!
    Now I have a 2 year old and I read to her every single night before bed! She loves books and like to look through them and pretend to read them just like I did! Reading habits are so important to build with small children. I continue to read daily almost. I really love self-help, biographies, history, thrillers, mysteries and drama. Ultimately, I am thankful that my parents read with me starting so young! Books will forever bring me joy!
  • 2024 Life lesson book!

    2024 Life lesson book!
    My most recent read that I fell in love with and will read periodically throughout my lifetime!