My literacy journey

By ehenney
  • Goodnight boom boom

    Goodnight boom boom
    Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and Goodnight Moon were the two books that I remember reading throughout my whole childhood. The words in these books are engraved in my brain. As my younger sister began getting older, these books were read to her as well. The experience has been past down to help shape my younger siblings literary experience as well.
  • Professional author

    Professional author
    In the first grade I was selected to read my book all about bears to one of the fourth grade classrooms. Confidently I read my book aloud and showed my illustrations to the class. With the applause from the teacher as well as the students, I was extremely proud of my work.
  • Best Friends

    Best Friends
    In the second grade my teacher had a friend from a neighboring elementary school. Both teachers arranged for the classes to have a pen pal from the other school. My pen pal was assigned to me because we both are named Emily. We were total opposites so we never truly got along, but writing about myself, my hobbies, and my interests was a very fun experience.
  • Say Cheese... and Die!

    Say Cheese... and Die!
    As a child, my favorite books to read were goosebumps. This not only shaped my personality today, but it also has influenced my taste in literature. I love mystery books and I believe that is from reading almost exclusively goosebumps books until I could move on to more challenging books
  • Good Morning World

    Good Morning World
    As a child I always wanted to be on the news. I would get up at 5:00 in the morning and stay up to 11:00 just to watch the news. Every time I would read anything I read it in a newscasters voice in front of an audience. This not only helped fulfill my dreams of being the face of the news, but it also shaped the way I read and present pieces to an audience.
  • Hollywood Star

    Hollywood Star
    Acting has always been a large part of my life. Reading scripts and memorizing lines is normal for me. This takes a lot of skill and commitment. I remember having words like "decrepit" and "Slovakia" and not knowing how to pronounce them. Making the adjustments, memorizing, and then presenting is still part of my daily routine.
  • Santiago and the Marlin

    Santiago and the Marlin
    The Old Man and the Sea is my favorite book. In the 7th grade my step-father was taking a college class where he had to read the Hemingway classic. He complained that it was terribly boring. I decided I would read it, and beat him to the end. Ever since then I read the novella at least 5 times a year and I can basically recite the words. This book has completely shaped my reading experience.
  • Poets Words

    Poets Words
    I love rhymes. I believe that poems should rhyme and when tasked with writing poetry I stick to a simple ABAB rhyme scheme. This makes writing poems difficult sometimes, but when asked I make my words rhyme. In the eighth grade I had to write a lot of poetry. I made every single line rhyme no matter how difficult the task.