my lifetime

By k.armaa
  • birth

    i was born on January 5th 2010 .
  • 1st birthday party .

    my first birthday party was in 2011 when i turned 1 years old .
  • when i got my glasses .

    i got glasses around the time before i started preschool i was 4 maybe ?
  • preschool

    my first day of pre k was in 2014 when i was 4 years old
  • first day of kindergarten

    i left preschool and went to kindergarten in 2015 .
  • 5th birthday

    while in kindergarten i had my 5th birthday party
  • 1st grade

    i started first grade after kindergaten in 2016 .
  • 2nd grade

    i started 2nd grade in 2017 .
  • 3rd grade

    i started 3rd grade in 2018
  • Period: to

    skipping to middle school .

    i started going to rccba middle school in 2021
  • 7th grade

    i started 7th grade in 2022 and still in it today in 2023