My Lifeline

  • I was born at the northern westchester hospital

  • My first birthday party

  • Brothers birth

  • In kinder I went apple picking

  • First grade we had tadpoles

  • In second grade we baby ducks

  • 3rd grade we had to start testing

  • In forth grade we had a water slide

  • In third grade we did African dancing and drumming

  • Went to wicked

  • In fith grade we had graduation

  • Me and Jocelyn became friends

  • I met Jocelyn in third grade

  • WE had a car wash

  • In 6th grade went to watch movie wonder

  • I met all my close friends in sixth grade

  • I left the elementary school

  • The fith grade social

  • I became apart of the family AVID :)

  • I went t the movies with Jocelyn