Date of Birth
Sepetember 9, 2000 -
Where I came from
Atlanta, Georgia -
German Shepard
First dog I got -
Chivas vs Barcelona
First soccer game I saw Barcelona play -
Where I moved to
Texas -
Mexico City
I went to Mexico -
Navasota Intermediate School
First School I went to in Texas -
Houston Rockets
Basketball game I went to see -
Soccer Game
First game i saw Mexico play -
Atlanta , Georgia
When I went back to vist Atlanta -
Rattlers vs Argyle
Chivas vs Santos
First soccer game I saw Chvas play -
Furious 7
When i went to see Furious 7 -
Canelo vs Kirkland
First boxing fight I went to -
8th Grade Graduation
School I go to right now
Navasota Jr High