My Life Span

  • The Beginnings (Prenatal Development & Birth)

    Developed in my mothers stomach for 38 weeks going through many periods: germinal period, embryonic period, fetal period, and birth. Born on October 2nd, at Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Michigan.
  • Period: to

    The First Two Years

    Biosocial: Growing in body size and brain. Developed senses and motor skills. Had multiple immunizations and kept up with the correct nutrition. Cognitive:Developed sensorimotor intelligence (primary, secondary, tertiary circular reactions). Also developed informaion procesing like memory and affordance. Lastly, I developed spoken language like babbling between 6-10months, first words around 12 months, and multiword sentence ar 24 months. Psychosocial: Developed emotions and social bonds.
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    Early Childhood

    Biosocial: Went through body changes like growth and nutrition. Brain developed more like speed of thought and emotions and the brain. Improved motor skills. Had injuries and learned howto prevent them. Cognitive: Language and imagination (symbolic thought). Education through babysitters and school. Psychosocial: Emotional control. Active play and playdates. Nature and Nuture. Also, discipline.
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    Middle Childhood

    Biosocial: More physical activity (dancing). Health problem like high cholestoral. Continued brain development like reaction time and how I payed attention. Cognitive: Developed logical thinking. My vocabulary expanded more. Memory developed more (sensory, working, long term). Psychosocial: Developed more into my culture and gained self-esteem. Also developed more into the structure of my family (divorced parents) back and forth between moms and dads houses. Friend groups at school and dance
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    Biosocial: Puberty began at 12 years old. My first menstrual cycle, started birth control at age 15. Grew to 5'4 by 18. Good diet, helped weight and muscles. Brain developed unevenly; made dumb decisions and fell in love. Sexual activity: flirting, hand-holding, first kiss, and touching with boys.
    Cognitive: FInished school up to high school. Drivers licesne at 16 (independence). Drama with friends. Learning right from wrong.
    Psychosocial: Figuring out myself. Peer pressure with a lot of stuff.
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    Emerging Adulthood

    Biosocial: Maintain good health. Eat well and stay active (take boot camp class). No kids till after 25. Multiple stresses arise. Take risk but crazy ones. Fit in with peers but don't push it.
    Cognitive: Thinking practical and personal about everything. Distinguishing morals and religion (attending church services). Deciding for myself.
    Psychosocial: Finsh school. Know who I am and who my friends are. Found significant other and live together. Seek financial support if needed.
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    Biosocial: Experience appearance and physical health changes. Sexual responses: Fertility is there and then around 50 menopause hits. Good health! (no drugs and alcohol)
    Cognitive: Intelligence declined through out (events in life play a role). Many stressors occur and impair health or help it. Choices and practice over time relfect on future.
    Psychosocial: Create a family. Maintain a marriage. Have a good job and support family. Continue friend and family relationships.
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    Late Adulthood

    Biosocial: Aging but still in good health. Diet changes (not so many calorie intake).
    Cognitive: Brain areas have shrunk (memory isn't as good & thinking process has shrunk). Developed late alzheimer's disease (runs in the family).
    Psychosocial: Remain active and very involved in political and religious concerns. Live in assisted living and taken care of by spouse and children. Relationships and bonds with the family.
  • Epilogue

    Lived a great/long healthy life. Diagnosed with Alzheimer's at a late age. Died peacefully with some family present. No need for family to mourn. Just know I lived lifeto the fullest and it was my time to go.