My life in schcool

  • First year in school

    I enter in school in 2012 when I heve 3 years I stay in N3A.My teacher it was Eneida, I do my best friend Vic. I don't rebember many things, but I now that was a very good year. I did many friends, play in the playground and in the classroom.
  • Festa Junina

    This happened all years. In festa junina we have many jokes, we dance, we can use diferent clouthes. Normaly I was so nice, in 2020 and 2021 don't have because of the pandemic. We always rehearse a dance or two with the physical education teachers
  • Oswaldo In corsert

    Oswaldo In corsert
    Oswaldo in consert we have all year in oswaldo, just in 2019 and 2020 didn't have because of the pandemic. I like very much, we sing, we "acts". Oswaldo in consert normaly hapened in novermber/december.
  • Ballet

    I remenber that the first sport that I do in my live it is ballet, I do in school witch teacher Leka, I do with my causin, and friends. I remember that have many presentations, one time we have one in Fundação. I like but in second year I stop.
  • First trip

    My first trip in school It was in level 5. We went to a zoo, in sapucaia, all the class went, it was so fun we see many animales like: birds, snakes, etc. I thing that Prof Eneida came with us but I don't have sure.
  • Pandemic

    In 2020, 2021 we have the pandemic. It was dificult years, but now they are passing. I remember that for me i was so dificult, because I stay basically 1 year at home. In the pandemic happen some sad things but for me hapened many good things.
  • Lest trip

    Lest trip
    My lest tripe is school it was lest year. We went to Gasper parck in Bento Gonçalves, it was so good we do many fun things like climbing, tree climbing, etc.I remember that in one of the attractions that i went to i felt very scared.
  • Pinwaldo

    In the Pinwaldo Oswaldo cruz and Pindorama went to Fundação to know, it was the first time I saw the people of Pindorama in person. We used to have Piwaldo online, it was really bad, because what we wanted was to get to know the Fundação
  • Equestrianism

    I started at the beginning of 2021, I had never ridden a horse but since I was very little I loved it, and I asked my mother. I started not even knowing how to control a horse, but over time I got better, now I do 80 cm length
  • Fundação

    I'm really enjoying it, I like the teachers, I love the breack. I know the tests haven't started yet, but for now I'm finding it calm. I like my classmades, they are nice. But one of the best moments was seeing the people that I missed and didn't see in time.