my life goals

  • Period: to

    my life

    woman live longer than men and I have a lot of goals to accomplish!
  • Play Ice Hockey with Boys

    Play Ice Hockey with Boys
    I wanted to play ice hockey because I always watched him and I thought it waould be really fun and competitive.
  • Age 6: Become a Princess

    Age 6: Become a Princess
    I wanted to become a princess becasuse I always played with doll and would watch Disney movies and wished I could look that pretty and have that life.
  • Age 10: Own a horse

    Age 10: Own a horse
    I wanted to own a horse because I would take horse back riding lessons and I loves to wash them and take care of them.
  • Age: 14 Make 4 Year High Honoral

    Age: 14 Make 4 Year High Honoral
    I wanted to make high honoral at Park view because it was a great challenge to get and it whows you how hard you worked getting and gpa of 3.5 or higher for 8 quarters.
  • Age 15: get all "A" First Year of High School

    Age 15: get all "A" First Year of High School
    I wanted to get all "a" on my semester report card because it would look good on my transcript. It would also show that I could balance school and playing two sports at once.
  • Age 16: Drive a Car

    Age 16: Drive a Car
    I want to be able to drive a car because it teaches you how to be responsible by not getting in an accident and obaying the law. It would also help me become more independent because I would have to play for gas.
  • Age 17: Get a Scholership for Hockey

    Age 17: Get a Scholership for Hockey
    I would like to ger a scholership to Ohio State to play D1 girls Hockey. I would like this becasue i am so passinate about hockey and I can get the degreee I want to get while playing my favorite sport.
  • Age 18: Make the Girls USA Olympic Hockey Team

    Age 18: Make the Girls USA Olympic Hockey Team
    I would like to accomplish making the girls USA girls Olympic team because it is a dream of mine and I want to show the people that tell me I can't that I can do it.
  • Age 20: Get a Part Time Job at a Hospital

    Age 20: Get a Part Time Job at a Hospital
    I would like to get a part time job at a hospital when I am in nursing school because I know when I finish college that I will have a gob when I get out.
  • Age 22: Fall in Love

    Age 22: Fall in Love
    At this age I want to fall in love and have a guy who will support me through everything and will help me and care for me all the time
  • Age 24: Drive from Californa to Maine

    Age 24: Drive from Californa to Maine
    I would love to drive from Californa to Maine with my best friends because you would get to be able to see so many beautiful things and I would get to spend time with the people I love.
  • Age 25: Get a Job as a Physical Therapest

    Age 25: Get a Job as a Physical Therapest
    I would love to get a job being a Physical Therepast because I love to hlep people especialy people who are really into plaing sports.
  • Age 27: Get Married

    Age 27: Get Married
    I would liek to ger married at age 27 because I feel like I would be ready and have enough money from my job and also because I would be ready to start a new chapter in my life.
  • Age 30: Have a Baby

    Age 30: Have a Baby
    I want a baby at age 30 because I feel like I would be ready and I would want to start growing my family.
  • Age 30: Coach a Hockey Team

    Age 30: Coach a Hockey Team
    I want to cahch a hockey team at age 30 the my daugher would play on because it's my favorite sport and I love sharong my skills with others.
  • Age 40: Have a Stable Job and Family

    Age 40: Have a Stable Job and Family
    I want to have a stable job and family at age 40 because if anything every happened to me I know my children would be taken care of !
  • Age 53:Have Grand Children

    Age 53:Have Grand Children
    I want to have grand children at 53 because my children would be all grown up and I would want to watch my childrens kids grow up!
  • Age 55: Have a Room for My Grand Children

    Age 55: Have a Room for My Grand Children
    At age 55 I would want to have a room for my grand kids because I want them to spend the night when they want and know that they are loved.
  • Age 60: Buy a Condo

    Age 60: Buy a Condo
    At age 60 I would like to buy a condo so when it gets cold here in the winter I can go someplace nice and warm!
  • Age 65: Retire

    Age 65: Retire
    At age 65 I want to retire because I wont have to work anymore and I can enjoy my life and watch my grand kids grow up.
  • Age 75: Be Able to Move Like a 40 Year Old

    Age 75: Be Able to Move Like a 40 Year Old
    At 75 I want to be able to move like I did when I was 40 because I don't want to have too depend on people to help me walk, and I forsure dont want to have to sit in a wheelchair.
  • Age 80: Live in a Condo in Flordia

    Age 80: Live in a Condo in Flordia
    At age 80 I want to live in my condo in flordia because it would always be nice out and peaceful, and my children wouldn't have to take care of me.
  • Age 90: Be Healthy

    Age 90: Be Healthy
    At age 90 I want to be healthy because I don't want to rely on people to take care of me!
  • Age 95: Die

    Age 95: Die
    I want to die at age 95 because I lived a great life and I hope I made an impact on many people!