My Life

  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born in St. Joseph, MO at 5:30 P.M. during a blizzard.
  • I started kindergarten

    I started kindergarten
    I started kindergarten at Wyatt Park Baptist church
  • I started playing soccer, golf, and basketball

    I started playing soccer, golf, and basketball
    I have played all of these sports continuously throughout my life and have helped me become the person I am today.
  • I began school at St. Joseph Christain School

    I began school at St. Joseph Christain School
    I attented SJCS until I was in the 3rd grade.
  • I began school at Avenue City

    I began school at Avenue City
    Avenue City shaped me as a person and I dont regret transferring there after SJCS.
  • I began high school at Savannah High School

    I began high school at Savannah High School
    I have spent the past four years at SHS and although I am ready to leave, I learned many valuable lessons.
  • I went to State Golf for the 2nd year in a row.

    I went to State Golf for the 2nd year in a row.
    I have qualified for state golf two years in a row, and then went on to qualify my senior year as well.
  • I started my senior year

    I started my senior year
    Senior year has flown by but I am ready to start the next chapter of my life.
  • Chose Columbia College

    Chose Columbia College
    It has taken my a long time to decide where I want to spend the next 4 years, but Columbia College is the best fit for me.
  • Graduation Day

    Graduation Day
    I will finally graduate and begin my life as a college student.
  • Graduate College

    Graduate College
    I plan to graduate from Comlumbia College with a degree in psychology.
  • Start career

    Start career
    I plan to work in a psychology firm to get my experience in.
  • Start my own business

    Start my own business
    After saving money and gaining the experience I need, I want to open my own practice.
  • Travel

    After getting my business running and have a foundation, I want to travel the world and see new places.
  • Start a family

    Start a family
    After traveling, I want to get married and start a family.