
My Life By Design CL

By LLmc24
  • 1st Car

    1st Car
  • Get a Job

    Get a Job
  • Graduate High School

    Graduate High School
  • Go to College

    Go to College
    I want to go to Full Sail University so I can learn how become an animator.
  • Start Saving For Retirement

    Start Saving For Retirement
  • Graduate from College

    Graduate from College
  • Begin Paying Off Student Loan

    Begin Paying Off Student Loan
  • Start Saving For Trip to Australia

    Start Saving For Trip to Australia
  • Get Married

    Get Married
  • Start Saving For A House

    Start Saving For A House
  • Buy A House

    Buy A House
  • Have A Child

    Have A Child
  • Start Saving For Child

    Start Saving For Child
  • Get A Job At Naughty Dog Inc.

    Get A Job At Naughty Dog Inc.
  • Start Saving For Trip To UK

    Start Saving For Trip To UK
  • Become An Uncle

    Become An Uncle
  • Go on trip to Australia

     Go on trip to Australia
  • Get A Raise

    Get A Raise
  • Buy Bigger House

    Buy Bigger House
  • Go on Trip to UK

    Go on Trip to UK
  • Become A Gradparent

    Become A Gradparent
  • Another Grandchild

    Another Grandchild
  • Retire
