My Life By Design

  • I was born!

    I was born!
  • My brother was born

    Alex was born when I was 5 1/2
  • I moved to Oklahoma

    I moved to Oklahoma
  • Moved to Missouri

    Moved to Missouri
  • Started High School

    Started High School
  • Get my first car

    Get my first car
    It won't cost anything, I'm getting my mom's old car
  • Get a job!

  • Graduate High School

    Graduate High School
  • Start College

    Start College
    Start college at Northwest State University for my bachelors degree
  • Graduate from Northwest

    Graduate from Northwest
    Graduate with a psychology degree
  • Move to San Antonio

    Move to San Antonio
    Move into an apartment in San Antonio
  • Buy a house

    Buy a house in San Antonio after have been there for a couple of years
  • Get Masters Degree at Texas A&M- San Antonio

    Get Masters Degree at Texas A&M- San Antonio
    I want to master in pscychology. This willl also add student loans to more debt.. But my carrerr pays well.
  • Start Carrer as Mental Health Counselor

    Earn >$60,000 a year
  • Travel to Europe

    Save money for this after debts have been paid off
  • Retire

  • Travel to Australia