My Life By Design

  • Accepted!

    Accepted to Concordia, SLU, and Hope College
  • End my last first semester

    End my last first semester
    Take four finals, 2 midterms, 3 tests, and all college applications this past week.
  • Visit Michigan

    Visit Michigan
    Ride up with Luke and take the train back
  • 18th birthday

    18th birthday
    I can officially be arrested now yay
  • Commit to Hope

    Commit to Hope
    Become a Flying Dutchmen
  • Milky Chance concert

    Milky Chance concert
    steal a dance to Stolen Dance
  • Graduate

    Time to move on
  • Backpack through Europe

    Backpack through Europe
    Germany by morning, darling
  • Lead at CIY

    Lead at CIY
    Be a leader at the week long camp MOVE located in the Ozarks
  • Go to YL camp

    Go to YL camp
    Hello there michigan
    see ya again soon
  • Move in day

    Move in day
    Move in to my dorm
  • Rush

    Syd the sorority girl???
  • Home for the Holidays

    Home for the Holidays
    Take the train home
  • Open my own photography bussiness in Michigan

    Open my own photography bussiness in Michigan
    Photography by Syd
  • Get a job

    Get a job
    at a coffee shop in Holland
  • Meet a lumberjack

    Meet a lumberjack
    who takes pictures, plays an instrument or sings, loves Jesus, and who is just absurdly rad
  • 21st birthday

    21st birthday
    Celebrate good times, CMON
  • Sing worship at Hope

    Sing worship at Hope
    Here I am to worship
  • Bring lumberjack home

    Bring lumberjack home
    meet the fam
  • Graduate from Hope

    Graduate from Hope
    Get my bachelors in psychology at Hope College
  • Visit NY

    Visit NY
    to see my friends Trey and Jocelyn
  • Intern

    clinical psychologist
  • Marry lumberjack

    Marry lumberjack
    In the woods, of course
  • Have first lumber kid

    Have first lumber kid
    Harper Jones
  • Start own practice in North Carolina

    Start own practice in North Carolina
    Time to be on the coast
  • Travel to Australia

    Travel to Australia
    to visit Julia and her husband
  • Second lumberbaby

    Second lumberbaby
    Judas (Jude) Steven
  • Start my own coffeeshop

    Start my own coffeeshop
    plus an antique store on the second level
  • Buy a VW bug

    Buy a VW bug
    year 62