My life now and till 36

  • Born

    I was born in Tlalnepantla, Estado de México
  • Elementary school

    Elementary school
    From 2000 to 2006. I do not remember much.
  • Junior high school

    Junior high school
    From 2006 to 2009. I met my best friends for life. I was an average student.
  • High school

    First day of high school
  • Biology!

    I met the most amazing biology teacher. It was when I first discover I wanted to dedicate my life to biology.
  • Biotechnology engineering

    Biotechnology engineering
    I discover IBT in ITESM
  • University

    First day at University
  • First job

    Telemarketing at SYKES.
  • Period: to

    My own craft beer!

    Start with business plan and making home beer. Searching how to evolve and get stakeholders.
    Develop my craft beer would take years, but I see myself achieving my goal at 36.
  • Get certified!!

    Be certified in ISO 22000 and CAPM
  • First job as a Biotechnology engineer

    I hope that by the end of this year I will be working at a food company. I will be working there while I develop the perfect Scottish ale.
  • Graduation!!!

    At last graduation!
  • My Family

    My Family
    I also want kids some day, so I see myself with two daughters, a partner and a golden retriever. I would like to teach them about Biotechnology and the "family business"