Marco Antonio Morales Birth Day
Born in Rioverde, San Luis Potosí, Mexico. Also day of the inoccents. -
Official End of the Cold War
The Cold war ends between USSR against USA. -
Bill Clinton Becomes President
Bill Clinton wins the election agains George H.W. Bush. And also 42nd President of the United States. -
I Begin To Crawl
I begin to crawl, sometime in this year and month! -
NASA Spacecraft lands on Mars
Launched on December 4, 1996 by NASA the American spacecraft landed on Mars. A mission to know more about planet Mars, and see if it could be habited by humans. -
First day of school
First day of kindergarten in a mexican school. Which I remember i got lost in my way back to my house -
New Country
I move to Charlotte, NC. The begining of the American Dream. -
First day in American school
My first day in a American class. Not knowing any English just spanish. I remember i went to the restroom and cried out, because i couldn't understand what teacher or students were saying., -
George H.W. Bush Becomes President
George Bush became the 43rd President. And was the first Electoral College and defeating Vice President Al Gore. -
September 11, 2001
were a series of four coordinated suicide attacks upon the United States in New York City and the Washington, D.C. By 19 terrorists from the Islamist militant group al-Qaeda. There was a total of 2,996 deaths from the attacks.