My Birth
I was born in Evanston around 7:00 pm on Februrary 19, 1999. -
As you well know, I go to Niles West High School and I am a Junior. -
School Activities
I am currently in two clubs; one of them being CEC club and Gospel Choir where a few of my friends are also in too. In Gospel Choir I mostly just sing gospel songs and eat snacks with my friends. -
CEC Club
In CEC I meet up with the rest of my club and we arrange special events for the special needs kids in the Niles West and Niles North schools. One of those events being a basketball tournament. -
High School Goals
My goals for this semester is to get no lower than a C in any of my classes and possibly join another club. Further on in high school I plan on applying to college(of Which I not chosen yet). I would like to go to college in state but maybe still a little closer to the city. I do not have any other plans that are not college based. -
10 Years...Married? Kids? Pets?
I do not plan on being married yet but I do plan on having a dog. -
5 Years...College
In 5 years I still do not know if I will be in college but I may be depending on if I decide to go to graduate school. -
5 Years....Job
I honestly do not know what job I want to have but I presume I would enjoy being a journnalist and I think I would be making around $48,000. -
5 Years...Living
I would like to move to either San Francisco, San Diego, Chicago, or New York City but realistically I would probably go with my third option with staying in Illinois and possibly moving downtown Chicago. -
5 Years...City? Rural? Suburbs?
Like I said before I would like to see myself living in the city because it is just my favorite type of setting. -
5 Years...Car
My dream car is a Dodge Charger but I will probably get something like a regular sized, practical Honda or Chevy. -
10 Years...Job
I will be a journalist and I will be making around $48,000. -
10 Years...State
I will live in Illinois to stay close to family and to live in the city. -
10 Years...Living
I will be living downtown Chicago in an apartment.