Born in Memphis, TN. -
Move to Kansas
Start Homeschool
Started Public School
Start High School
Pandemic and Quarantine Start
High School Graduation
Graduate College
First Career Job
Get Married
On a beach or top of a mountain. -
Buy first house
Probably not in the US. -
Have first kid
Death by homicide. -
What does your time line tell you about yourself?
My timeline shows I have lived a pretty simple life. It shows my transition from homeschool to public school as a child. It shows my somewhat early marriage and childbirth. It shows my desire to experience new and foreign things like moving to another country. -
How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?
If I would have changed being homeschooled as a young child, that would have deeply changed, I believe, my personality, interests, and types of struggles dealt with through adolescence. -
How flexible or fixed does your future seem do be?
My future seems to be very flexible. While my early childhood has a large impact on my life, I think the next few years will have a lot of control on the future of my life. I think I have the ability to control much about the future of my life right now.