My Date of Birth
@ 8 months
took my first step -
@ 9 months
Said my first word -
The beginning/First two years- Birth-2 years
Biosocial- Birthday, REM sleep, basic brain structures, sensation, perception, hearing, sight, smelling, tasting, touching, motor skills, breast-feeding
Cognitive- sensorimotor intelligence, reflexes, primary circular reactions, object permanence, deferred imitation, habituation, memory, dynamic perception, listening& responding, babbling, first words, grammar
Psychosocial- self-awareness, smiling, laughing, anger, sadness. Fear, trust, social learning, attachment, cultural awareness -
Early Chilhood- Ages 2-6
Biosocial- nutrition, right-handed, maturation of prefrontal cortex, fine motor skills, artistic expression, learned to ride a bike, learned to read and write
Cognitive- theory, belief vs. reality, language, vocabulary, basic grammar, logic, schooling
Psychosocial- motivation, culture and emotional control, friends, play, empathy, conversation, sex roles -
Middle Childhood- Ages 6-11
Biosocial- hygiene, physical activity, glasses
Cognitive- information processing, knowledge, working memory religion
Psychosocial- self-esteem, resilience, stress, material necessities, learning, self-respect, peer relationships, morals, values, stability -
Adolescence- Ages 15-18
Biosocial- puberty, braces, menstrual cycle, sexual maturation
Cognitive- ego, reasoning, thinking, analyzing, decision making, thought processing
Psychosocial- identity, romance, passion, bickering, arguing, sadness, disobedience, experimentation -
Emerging Adulthood- Ages 18-25
Biosocial- mood swings, anxiety, exercise, healthy life style, decision making, critical thinking, work ethic
Cognitive- time management, subjective thought, marriage, faith, college
Psychosocial- intimacy, personality, love, cohabitation, conflict, family connections -
Adulthood- Ages 25-65
Biosocial- weight gain, menopause, hair thinning
Cognitive- fluid intelligence, intuition, strategy, wisdom
Psychosocial- midlife crisis, family bonds, happiness, caretaker, stability in career and romantic relationship -
Death and dying
Estimated time of death February 14, 2083 on Valentine’s Day a day of love. Falling asleep next to my husband and we both never wake up to this cruel world and meet again in Heaven. -
Late Adulthood- Ages 65-Death
Biosocial- gray hair, dentures, wrinkled skin, decrease in vision and hearing, cellular aging, walking with a cane
Cognitive- brain slows down, memory loss, death
Psychosocial- integrity, retirement, grandchildren