I was conceived
I was born in New Jersey
born in New Jersey -
Moved to Colorado
First Two Year: Biosocial Event
I started to walk by myself -
First Two Year: Psychological Event
I went to daycare and was afraid to leave my mom. -
First Two Year: Cognitive Event
Said my first word--Mom -
I moved to Michigan
The Play Years: PsychoSocial Event
I enjoy playing with my three sisters -
The Play Years: BioSocial Event
I learned how to tie my shoes -
The Play Years: Cognitive Development
I began preschool -
The Play Years: Cognitive Development
I watched my cousin play soccer and asked him how to play. I was observant and interested. -
The Play Years: BioSocial Development
I was able to start telling my mom what food I liked/didn't like. I started to have preferences. -
The Play Years: Psycho Social Development
I started playing soccer. I had dreams to become a famous womens soccer player one day. I had a dream and I was going to achieve it. -
The Play Years: PsychoSocial Event
I cut my sisters hair and so she tied nots in my hair and glued me to my chair. We were both put in time out. -
The School Years: Cognitive Development Event
I began first grade. I knew what I had to do to stay focused and not get in trouble. -
The School Years: Biosocial Events
I learned how to ride a bike without training wheels. -
The School Years: PsychoSocial Event
I had my first communion at church. I regularely attended church classes to learn about my religion and values. -
The School Years: Biosocial events
I got put on the "A" team for my soccer team and got MVP -
The School Years: PsychoSocial Event
My aunt got cancer. I was very young and didn't know much but I knew to pray. I prayed everyday for months until she was pronounced cancer free. To this day I continue to pray daily. -
Adolescence: Psycho Social event
I met my best friend, who I am still friends with today. We played soccer together and played together until I received a traumatic brain injury -
Adolescence: Cognitivie event
Received the highest grades in my school. Got to attend a breakfast with the principal -
Adolescence: Psycho Social event
Got asked to play on a travel team for soccer where I would have tournaments and travel expenses paid for -
Emerging Adulthood: Bio Social Event
Became president at my school -
Emerging Adulthood: Bio Social Event/ Cognitive Event
Offered a scholarship for my grades and to play soccer at Arizona State University -
Emerging Adulthood: Bio Social Event
Received a traumatic brain injury playing soccer and had to give up my scholarship to play at Arizona State University -
Emerging Adulthood: Pscyhosocial Event
Lost my aunt to cancer. -
Emerging Adulthood: Bio Social Event
Graduated high school -
Emerging Adulthood: Bio Social Event
Got a job at a physical therapy clinic. -
Adulthood: Cognitive Event
I am doing my clinicals as a radiation therapist -
Adulthood: Cognitive Development
Graduated Wayne States Oncology Radiation Therapy Program. I will be able to administer Chemotherapy and Radiation to kill cancer. -
PsychoSocial Event: Adulthood
Got married to my best friend -
Adulthood: BioSocial Event
had a child -
Adulthood: BioSocial Event
I'm aging.... noticed gray hairs..PLUCKED THEM! -
Adulthood: Cognitive development
Go back to school to further my degree -
Adulthood: Psychosocial Development
I'm getting too old to do things I thought I could -
Adulthood: Psychosocial Event
I become a grandma -
Adulthood: Psychosocial Event
Have to start taking care of my parents -
Late Adulthood: BioSocial Event
Have health problems and need to change my lifestyle. I will change my diet and workout more. -
Late Adulthood: Psychosocial Event
One of my parents will die -
Late Adulthood: Cognitive Event
I will develop short term memory and need to write everything down -
Death and Dying: Late Adulthood
I will die of old age. I will have many health problems that run in the family. I will die peacefully and will watch over my family