My Life

  • Estimated Time of Conception

    Since I was born in mid March, it is estimated that I was conceived in late July or early August.
  • My Birth

  • "I found my thumb!"

    Started sucking thumb. (psychosocial)
  • My First Words

    "buhbye" (cognitive)
  • My First Steps

  • "The Age of Why"

    This lasted for about a year according to my mother. I used to ask her at least 100 questions a day that started with the word "why". She told me she enjoyed it because no matter how crazy her answers were to my questions, I always believed her. (Cognitive)
  • My First Boyfriends

    (psychosocial) --- Journal Entry ---- January 7, 1999 Dear Diary,
    Mrs. Zmija said we are getting report cards on the 19th of January. Ryan is my secret boyfriend and and Brian is my other boyfriend and Luke is my third boyfriend too! My best friends are Veronica and Erin and my favorite teacher is Mrs. Zmija.
  • Won "Best Illistrations" in Young Author Contest

  • My First Communion

    My first time recieving communion inside of the Catholic Church. (psyhosocial)
  • The School Spelling Bee Finals

    I was a finalist in my school spelling bee. Three students from each grade were chosen after a "spell- off" that took place inside the classroom. I was a finalist, and I finished 6th out of 24 students. (cognitive)
  • My First Competitive Sports Team

    I made the JV volleyball team when I was in 4th grade. (biosocial)
  • My first sign of puberty

    My first period. (Biosocial)
  • My First Piece of Technology

    My parents bought me my first phone the day after I graduated from middle school. (Cognitive)
  • My Frist Boyfriend

    My boyfriend Jake asked me to be his girlfriend after a football game.(Psychosocial)
  • My first set of makeup

    My parents bought me eye liner and mascara for Christmas so that I could wear it to high school. (biosocial)
  • Who were my friends again?

    My boyfriend broke up with me on Valentine's Day, and I had no one to comfort me for the breakup because I had lost all of my friends and isolated myself ever since I had started dating Jake. (Psychosocial)
  • Graduation from Highschool

  • My First Bible Study

    I started attending a school club called CRU, campus crusade for Christ. I feel that each week I go, I am bringing myself closer and closer to God, and really understanding the Bible. (Cognitive)
  • Exer what?

    After high school, I decided to let myself have a break from running, since I had done track and cross country for the past four years of high school. The month break turned into a season break and the season break turned into a year break. I recently went to the doctors and found out I have high cholesterol, partly because I have not been keeping up with my old workout routine. (biosocial)
  • My Wedding :)

    I will get married and start my family, hopefully by the time i am 24. (Psychosocial)
  • PA!

    I will graduated from Physicians Assistant school, developing my expert cognition. (cognitive)
  • So long, Booksmarts

    When I get to this age, I will begin to realize that I can not longer do statistical math problems off of the top of my head like I can right now. However, I believe my street smarts will improve. (cognitive)
  • Menopause

    I predict that when i am 53 years old, I will start to go through menopause. However, since I am only 19, this could occur sooner or later than this date. (Biosocial)
  • My New Hair Color- Gray

    I start to see the changes in my body and realize that my long curly hair will never be the same. I will be happy with my white hair and i will wear it proudly. (biosocial)
  • My Midlife Crisis

    I will realize that I have not done as much with my life that I wanted to and I haven't seen the world. I will start traveling the world to view all of the other customs and people in our world today. (psychosocial)

    I will retire from my profession as a PA, and start living at home working on gardening and scrapbooking. (Psychosocial)
  • What did I come upstairs for?

    I will start to lose my memory to the point of walking upstairs and forgetting what it was I wanted to grab. However, I will still remember the more important things like birthdays, who my kids are, and holidays. (cognitive)
  • My Death

    When I took the survey you asked us to do for class, the age it told me I would live to is 87.