My Birthday
Best Song - 2 Pac - How Do U Want It
Best Movie - Independence Day
Famous Person - JK Rowling
5th Birthday - Song
The most popular song is Stronger - Britney Spears -
5th Birthday - Best Movie
One of the most popular movies in July of 2001 is Scary Movie 2 -
5th Birthday - Best T.V. Show
One of the most popular T.V. shows was Friends. -
My Little Sister was born
Madeline Marie Crile was born -
10th Birthday - Popular song
One of the most popular songs is U and Dat - E - 40 (T-pain & Kandi Girl) -
10th Birthday - Popular Movie
One of the most popular movie is My Super - Ex Girlfriend -
Popular T.V. Show
The most popular t.v. show is The Office -
I Got My Puppy
I got a Lab. I named her Cabela -
Graduate from Osky High with a GPA if at least 3.0