Jared is born
Jared David Kerr was born on Tuesday at 12:20pm. Weighing in at 9lbs. 2.5oz, 21.5 inches long. He was born in the same hospital that both of his parents work in. -
Jared learns to walk!
One day before his first birthday Jared stood up and walked. It was only a few steps but they were very important steps begining the rest of his life. -
Jared's first OU football game
Jared was scared of the noise at first. Eventually he got used to the noise at the OU games, and cheered the Sooners on through the good times and the bad. -
Jared's first baseball team
Jared begins playing the sport that he will grow to love the most. His first baseball team is called the Purlpe Pirates. -
Jared's first time to play catcher
This date marks the first time Jared would play catcher which would be the main position that he will play throughout his baseball life. He would learn a great deal from his dad who played the position in high school. -
Jared gets baptized
Jared is baptized on April 4th at Sunnybrook Church. He was babtized by his dad. -
Tulsa Baseball
Jared continues playing baseball for a team in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They are called the Tulsa Giants. -
Jared starts playing baseball for Stillwater High School
Jared starts school ball, playing with his 9th grade team. This begins his career for Stillwater High School. -
Jared graduates from Stillwater High School
Jared graduates high school with many scolarship offers, some to play baseball and for acedemics. -
Jared graduates from college
Jared graduates from college a semester early with a degree in police sciences. Jared also set the baseball school record for most homeruns in the BBCORE era.