Waiting time
Actually we waited 25 years, or not more i'm not sure but, until we got here we were soo worried and confused to when will they call us so we could travel. -
Actually after they called us we went to Al Sham for interview and we stayed there for a week and a half and they asked some questions and after we did all the steps all our papers we were good. -
Medical exams- shots
So we went to Al Sham and we did all the medical exams also we got some shots. -
Applied for fiza
We applied for Fiza in 2012. USA called my grandmother and told her that we had to go and apply for fiza, So from there we went to Sham and we applied and we were approved -
Days that I left
Actually after we were approved and we got our fiza and everything we were in our way back to our village too see our family members that they were there and saw all my friends. -
Travel Route
After we left our village we went through too many places until we got here. Went to Sham, Lebanon,Jordan,England, then finally we got here safely. -
Bought the tickets
After we got our fiza's in our hands we bought tickets and from there we went into many routes places untill we got here.