- 1971
- Kenbak-1
- John Blankenbaker
- , John wrote a reference manual, a theory of operation manual, alongside a lab exercise book of 150 pages.
Virtual Boy
- 1995
- Virtual Boy
- Gunpei Yokoi, Veteran employee of Nintendo
- The cultural significance of the Virtual Boy was that introduced the development of 3D gaming and the challenges of virtual reality. Though not a commercial success, it led way for other to build upon the concept of virtual reality.
- 1995
- Nintendo Entertainment System
- Masayuki Uemura, the head of Nintendo Research and Developments
- The NES helped change public perception by shifting the idea around video games being arcade-based and creating an experience that could be enjoyed from the comfort of your own home.
Apple's first iPhone
- 2007
- iPhone
- Made by Apple Inc, and led by Steve Jobs.
- The iPhone popularized smartphones as it introduced a full touchscreen within a sleek case. It revolutionized phones, and has set a trend that is still alive today.
Samsung Gear Watch
- 2013
- Samsung Gear Watch
- Developed by the South Korean electronic company Samsung
- The appeal of the watch was that it paired with your smartphone, allowing many functions to be performed on the watch, like calls, messages, and apps.