My Holidays

  • 2008-Paris

    we went to Paris,
  • 2009-Valencia

    We went to Valencia for a week and we saw the museum of arts and the science of Valencia. The experience was incredible, we saw
    aquatic animals and a lot of science machines.
    But we were going back to the car, the car was stole.
  • 2010-Paris

  • 2011-Calafell

    My parents have an apartment and we go ever summer and in the summer of 2011, my brother and I did a navigation campus. We did padel surf, kayak, drove a sailboat for three weeks.
    My brother pushed me out of the sailboat when he saw a jellyfish, but it didn't spike me.
  • 2012-Toledo

  • 2014-France-Carcasone

    We were in Carcassonne four days, in these days we saw all the Castle, and we saw a show, this show was a recreated of the medieval age, specifically a fight whit two knights for a Princes.
    It was realistic.
  • 2015-Andorra

    In Andorra, we bought a lot of things, and we dir descent with bikes, thas was so hard, I fell a lot. I finished destroyed, but I so lucky because the next day we went to Caldea, and was so I'm renovated.
  • 2016-Illes Medes

    2016-Illes Medes
    We went to Costa Brava for a week.
    We did swim and sunbathed on the beach, and took two jet ski; thats so funny, because my fathers fell a lot of times.
  • 2017-Venecia and Mónaco

    2017-Venecia and Mónaco
    This travel we did with a motorhome, and this was so hard.
    We started going to Monaco. The first of you saw to Monaco was a lot of rich people, luxurious cars and bigs yachts.
    We drove in the Monaco circuit and went to the Monaco casino.
    3 days later we were in Venecia, what beautiful city, we did a touristic trip with a typical boat.
    My mum got into a bathroom with a camera, and she left the camera. And when she wanted to take a foto, she remember and is so late, and we lost the camera.
  • 2018-NY

  • 2018-Boston and NY

    2018-Boston and NY
    My family and me travel to Boston because this travel was the marriage celebrated.
    First went to Boston for three days, in these days we visited the famous red sox stadium and a lot of important monuments and buildings.
    when the three passed we took a train to went to New York. The seven days were so exciting, we saw two museums (Moma), we walked in Central Park, in Tims Esquer,...
    We saw the nights in NY in the Top of the Rock, which was so beautiful. And we saw the 4 of July.