My History in Reading & Writing

  • Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?

    Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?
    I remember when I was younger my mom was still in college so during the day when we were home she would read to me. This and the Caterpillar book were my favorites and some of the first books I learned to read on my own later on. I like to think that my mom being home was a big path in my early reading.
  • Period: to

    My Reading and Writing Path

  • This is Kinda Fun

    This is Kinda Fun
    This website is what made me feel that reading was kinda fun. I was able to make my own space house and character while still learning about books. I remember having a higher level which meant I got to read more interesting books that appealed to me. To this day I remember how much fun I had in class while using Lexia Core 5.
  • Informational Essays Suck

    Informational Essays Suck
    When I began writing I found the most struggle when it came to informational writing. Whenever I have to take information from something else, anything from a book or website, I hit road block after road block. I feel that this early struggle with this concept is what made write the way I do and what I prefer to right. To this day I struggle with these writing style and still drift towards creative writing.
  • First Big Boy Books

    First Big Boy Books
    I will never forget this book series, because it was the first time I remember enjoying a book. It was not only full of humor but each novel had a sense of mystery which made me really wanna read and understand before the due dates. I feel that reading these books were the reason I not only enjoy a certain type of book, but all types of entertainment I enjoy.
  • Creative Writing is Where its at

    Creative Writing is Where its at
    I love creative writing and even when I was first given the ability to do it I loved it. Having the freedom to tell a story that is strictly from your imagination was just so fun. In 7th grade I wrote a 4 part story about a troll and viking that brought their rival family together and went on adventures together to help their nations thrive. I just remember feeling so joyful to have this creative freedom. I have not written anything creative in a long time but It was something I truly enjoyed
  • Series of Unfortunate Events

    Series of Unfortunate Events
    During 7th grade I came across a series of books while going through my grandma's basement and I fell in love with it. This series of books is all I read that year and they were the last books that I remember myself being able to happily sit down and read. There were some books that I found later but they never compared to the way I looked at these pages. I felt like part of the story. until I'm able to find a book that makes me feel this way I'll probably never find my love of reading again.
  • Covid-19 = No Reading

    Covid-19 = No Reading
    My 8th grade year was cut short due to COVID and led to my down slope in reading. All the books turned into audios we had to listen too and I no longer needed to read the books. Before this I would read in my free time, but with all this new and longer amounts of free time I began to drift away. This departure from reading really affected me later on because I has no urge to read and this hurt my writing ability in high school
  • My Current State

    My Current State
    After my little reading and writing slip-up I am starting to get back to where I was before and a little more advanced. Even though I don't have much free time, I will sit down and read a book for school or even my own purposes. I hope that this year I will be able to preform much better on my essays and writings. I'd like to say I'm a pretty smart individual so if I can really give it my all I can be a great reader and writer.