My Personal Literacy Timeline

  • My first book

    My first book
    The first book I remember being read to me when I was around two years old was Green Eggs and Ham by Doctor Suess.
  • Dr. Suess Books

    I enjoyed being read more Doctor Suess books
  • Pre school

    In pre school we had a lot of books read to us and that was my favorite part of the day.
  • Reading with my Papaw

    I loved going over to my Papaws house and read books because he used different voices with each character and it was a lot of fun.
  • Skippyjon Jones Books

    Skippyjon Jones Books
    Around 4, I loved Skippyjon Jones Books by Judith Byron Schachner.
  • First Grade

    My first grade teacher was my favorite teacher to read books with.
  • Second grade

    In second grade I was expanding my vocabulary and reading bigger books.
  • elementary school

    I did not like reading about history in elementary school
  • Third Grade

    I started reading longer books such as chapter books.
  • Junie B Jones

    Junie B Jones
    In all of Middle School I loved reading Junie B Jones books by Barbara Park and I got the whole series for my birthday.
  • fifth Grade

    In fifth Grade I remember using a big text book.
  • middle school

    In sixth Grade I did not enjoy reading anymore, I focused on other activities more.
  • Reading 24/7

    In seventh Grade I liked reading again and that's all I did with my spare time, I would read when I was supposed to be sleeping and got in trouble.
  • High School

    When I started High school I liked reading mystery books
  • Shakespear

    I hated reading Shakespeare in my English classes.
  • Animal Farm by George Orwell

    My English Class sophomore Year we read Animal Farm and then watched the movie and I really liked it.
  • Freshmen Year of college

    I still did not read unless I had to for a class
  • Senior Year

    My senior year I put reading to the side unless I had to for a class, I did not enjoy reading and I got bored with it.
  • Started to enjoy reading again

    Started to enjoy reading again
    When I was 20 I started reading books by Colleen Hoover and she made me love to read again
  • My goals with reading

    In 2023 I want to read thirty books.