
My government

  • The land found

    In 1986 the land was founded by Madison and brought over her family to start over and started there own government
  • The struggle for the families

    All the families started to struggle because they didn't the area and where all the sources where
  • Building the government

    Building the government was no easy task for Madison and her crew. They started deciding what they needed to do and incorporated the citizens of the city.
  • After the citizens get what they want

    After the citizens got what they want when voting for what they exactly want instead of the leaders choosing what is good for the citizens
  • The government chose because it was a tie

    When the government chose a rule for the citizens because it came out as a tie. The government took control and chose for the city which made the people very angry. After that happened and citizens got wind of the news they went crazy and started an uproar. Till they got what they wanted.
  • The aftermath

    When the uproar all went down it scared the government enough to make them take back the rule and change it based on what the citizens wanted so they could all live in peace and not have any wars or problems. All about trust with the government and citizens.
  • The trust with the government

    The trust with the government and the citizens was unbelievable and they all lived in a good community and everybody got along because the government gave the citizens what they wanted with no questions asked. Which made the people feel like they had voices that were being heard.
  • Although..

    Although nothing big has happened in years with the government and citizens everyone lives in peace. And there has been no wars or big uprises like the ones in 1994 which made the government scared. There has been a few hiccups in the road with them but nothing so sufficient to make people mad and go protest.