Revolt against the government
The citizens of Juclea did not agree with what their government was doing, and decided to revolt against them. -
Revolt failed
The government threatened their citizens. They said that if anyone continued to revolt, they would be arrested and tried for assault. They also then stated that if they tried to do it again, they would be tried for the death penalty. -
Andon movement
A group that called themselves Andon decided that they were not going to stand for what their government was doing to them. They met in secret, and got half of the country on their side. -
Movement out of Juclea
Andon had grown immensely, and the people of the group decided to finally move out of Juclea. On the night of February 10, 2313, they loaded six planes and flew to a new land. -
Founding of Kirill
The citizens of Juclea landed on a new land that had never been seen or discovered before. There were plenty of resources there, so they decided to create a civilization there. They called their civilization Kirill -
Creation of government
The people decided that they needed a new form of government, because they were not going to run themselves the way they were run in Juclea. One man named Rolando Moulin decided that he was going to run the country of Kirill. He started to order everyone around, and for the most part people listened. -
Period: to
Kirill is run as a monarchy
Rolando stayed as the ruler for a long while. Everyone listened to him, because they did not know what else to do, or who else would be in charge. -
Emilie Petit badmouths Rolando
Petit stood in front of a bunch of people and made them realize that they did not want a monarchy. They got away from Juclea, because that was how it was being run. She told everyone that they could do better, and that they could establish a better form of government. -
Rolando is overthrown
The people of Andon decided that they were not going to be run as a monarchy, like they were before. They only did this for the four months they were there, because they did not know what else to do. The citizens of Andon kicked Rolando off his throne. -
Kirill established as a democracy
The citizens of Andon decided that they mainly wanted to be ruled by the people. They decided to be ruled as a direct democracy, like the way early Greece was ruled. They wanted the people to have a say in what laws were going to be made, and how their land was going to be run. This government ended up being the one that worked. -
Period: to
Expansion of Kirill
Many people had heard about Kirill, and decided that they wanted to come and live there. They were important to the expansion of Kirill, because they helped to get Kirill running. -
Kirill government changed to democracy
Kirill had become too big to stay running as a direct democracy, so they changed their government to a democracy. They had representatives for groups of people. When it came down to vote for things, their votes were presented by their representatives.