My Government

  • New land found!

    A traveler named Willie Payton and his group went on a journey to find a colony in North America. While the other travelers that were sent by a King or Queen established their own colonies, Willie wanted to travel further which caused him to arrive at an island that has never been found before. Instead of finding a colony in America, Pa​yton and his group found a new country beside it to settle and grow in.
  • Period: to

    Back and forth travelling

    Willie Payton decided that it was best to send some of his group back at their original home to bring back resources and their families while Payton and the rest stay and establish their colony. This lasted a year.
  • Big Day!

    As the families and resources arrived, Payton and the group created villages and farms for food and animals that the second boat brought back.
  • Period: to

    Stacking the recourses

    During this time period, the colony populates as more and more boats come in from their home country as well as resources such as tobacco which they used as trade between their homeland and their new founding colony.
  • Disagreements arises!

    Allen Deyvn was amongst the people in the second boat that did not like how Payton was seen as a leader just because he was a captain on the first boat. This caused the colony to divide into two groups that had different views on how things should be.
  • Who to choose?

    Allen Devyn wanted the colonies government to be a group of successful leaders while Willie Peyton wanted to have all the people come together and create laws. Many people sided with Devyn because there was too many people who had different opinions that it would be hard to make Peyton's idea work and instead would trust educated and successful people as their leader. This caused the whole colony to come together and choose whose idea would be the best fit.
  • Decision was made!

    Payton and Devyn came to a conclusion that the people should vote for who leads their colony, this helped the community grow together because of the increased communication.
  • Behind the Scenes

    While the colony was figuring out how to make their government work, the trade between their home country and the new colony increased to including the new colonies from America as well. This allows gold to be traded although the value of it decreased because of how much was being found. The trade caused an alliance which helped their colony grow in numbers and value.
  • Laws in the Making.

    The leaders that were voted in were Andre Cody, Fred Delbert, and many others. They all decided to compromise Peyton and Devyns ideas and allow the community to contribute to the law makings as well.