Getting My First Job
I get my first job so I can save up money for college. -
Getting My First Job
I get my first job to save up money for a college tuition. -
Getting Into College
I get accepted into a college I want to go to. -
Graduating High School
I graduate high school with a weighted GPA of 4.0 or higher. -
Graduating High School
I graduate high school with a weighted GPA of 4.0 or higher. -
Starting College
I start college with good grades and plan on getting a bachelor's degree. I also make sure I manage my money well on my own and make sure I make good decisions. -
Staying In Good Financial Shape
I have consistent As and Bs in my classes and I have a job along with it so I have enough money to buy things I need. -
Graduating College
I finally graduate college with good trades and I get my degree. -
Getting My Real Job
After graduating college, I get a good job along with the degree I earned that I enjoy and stick with for a very long time. I still make sure I manage my money well so I don't go broke or anything.