My Goals

  • Graduate HS

    Graduate HS
    Get out of school in a timely manner
  • Open My Own Savings account

    Open My Own Savings account
    Currently just a joint account right now need to open my own savings.
  • Get a Job on Campus

    Get a Job on Campus
    Work study program to pay back student loans as well as other necessities like food.
  • Period: to


    Go on a trip to ireland
  • Rent an Apartment

    Rent an Apartment
    So I don't have to live on campus and take out loans for that. (First and last months rent, Renter's insurance)
  • Masters Degree

    Masters Degree
    Graduate with a master's degree in chemistry
    (Loan or Scholarship Required)
  • Find a career

    Find a career
    Find something other than career burger flipping in order to pay for my life as an adult.
  • Buy My own Car

    Buy My own Car
    Own my own car so my parents don't have to keep paying for my own.
    (down payment, loan)
  • Move to Denver

    Move to Denver
  • Buy my own house

    Buy my own house
    Get a place to live on my own when I get out of College.
    (Needs down payment, credit score, insurance, and loan)
  • Pay off Student Loans

    Pay off Student Loans
    Pay off my loans to get myself in a better position
  • Start a Family

    Start a Family
    Start a family.