This is the year I was born. -
Lego Racer 2
Lego Racers 2 was one of the first games I remember ever playing and it was the first game I played on PC, my dad's work PC at that. Me and my older brother begged my dad for some video games to play and finally one day he came back from work, showing us, he had bought Lego Racers 2 from Tescos. I remember the game being particularly hard and I could only ever beat the first level. In retrospect I could probably easily beat the game now, but I was very new to gaming, especially PC controls. -
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga was another early childhood game for me. The combination of Lego and Star Wars was perfect for my child mind as I loved playing with my Lego and I also loved the Star Wars films. I have fond memories of playing split screen coop on the Wii with my older brother and having a much easier time playing and actually completing levels compared to Lego Racer 2. -
Mario Kart Wii
Mario Kart Wii was the first Nintendo game I ever played and before playing Mario Kart I never even knew about Mario or the wider Nintendo characters. The game came with a cool wheel attachment and I remember it being a great party game, always doing the 4 player splitscreen races with three other friends. My favourite racer was Diddy Kong because I loved monkeys and Coconut Mall was my favourite track because I would always win on it. -
Halo 3
Halo 3 marked the time we moved from the Wii to the Xbox 360. I remember getting it cheap second hand and it was one of my favourite games to play when I was younger and still is my favourite game. It took awhile for our parents to allow us to play it as they were stricter on high age rated games. I loved the campaign's story even though I had never played 1 or 2, I also put countless hours into the online multiplayer and forge. It was one of the few games I got all of the DLC map packs for. -
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2011)
COD Modern Warfare 3 was my first exposure to violent games and was the first 18 age rated game I ever played. It wasn't as shocking as I thought it would be but It took some convincing to allow my parents to let me play it. Eventually they allowed us to get it and I have so many memories of me coming home from school and playing the multiplayer with my friends. I even played the campaign which I also enjoyed but had no idea what the story was about because I had never played the first two. -
I remember the buzz around Minecraft when it came to Xbox, and everyone was getting it. From the second I picked it up and started playing it, everything with the game just clicked with me. I loved the gameplay and the freedom to be able to build whatever you wanted, especially in creative. Joining friend's worlds and building random stuff on there like dirt castles or massive wood house or a tree house, it was endless fun. It's also a game I still play today although not as much as I used to. -
Far Cry 4
Far Cry 4 was not the first Far Cry game I played but it was one of the first games I fully finished. Typically, I didn't ever finish games but for some reason this game captivated me so much that I felt compelled to finish it. I also don't really like open world games because they feel so big and empty but with Far Cry 4, the world felt well-structured and tight. I always had something to do or somewhere to go and I enjoyed the freedom that the gameplay systems created when working together. -
CS:GO was the game that marked my full transition over to PC gaming from console in 2015. I actually got into CS because I played a Minecraft gamemode that was a CS clone and I loved it. My brother told me why don't you just play the real thing and that's how I started playing CS:GO. It was my first Steam game and also the game I have the most hours in. I continue to play its Source 2 update in the form of CS 2 to this day and it's my on and off game. I even follow the pro scene. -
Total War: Shogun 2
Total War Shogun 2 was my introduction to real time tactics games, and I fell in love with it instantly. The ability to command an army of thousands of soldiers where I can see each individual man and move around was so cool to me and I loved building up my nation as I went to war with the other AI nations in the game world. The way these two game systems interacted with each other was also of particular interest to me. Shogun 2 is another game I have put countless hours into over the years. -
Mount & Blade Warband
Mount Blade Warband was another game I fell in love with instantly and was one of the first real indie games I played. For an indie game it was relatively huge in scope which led to countless different adventures I had throughout the world of Calradia, siding with different factions, waging huge wars and founding my own kingdom. The game also has a huge modding scene and helped introduce me to mods and modding. -
Nier Automata
Nier Automata was not the typical game I would play and something I had never tried before but I remember seeing a couple of game play clips and wanting to experience it for myself. I found Nier to be one of those games that doesn't click straight away but after some time with the game I really got into it and played through it all the way, leaving a huge impact on me. I loved the gameplay, story, characters, music and setting that I replayed it three separate times in order to get each ending. -
Apex Legends
In 2023 I really got into Apex Legends, previously loving Titanfall 2 and its universe. Apex is one of the few games I still play from time to time as I don't really play too many games anymore.