My Game History

  • Birth

  • Learn with leap

    Learn with leap
    Learning with leap was a game created in 2003. I remember my brother and i would spend afternoons challenging one another by starting the game at the same time and seeing who could get the most points before time ran out
    Leapfrog 2003, Learning with leap, video game, Leapster 1st generation, Leapfrog.
    Learning with leap game cartridge, viewed March 27 2023
  • Mario Kart

    Mario Kart
    MarioKart was released on the Nintendo Ds in late 2005
    this is a game that my brother's and I both received for xmas one year, and became a part big of way we connected with one another over the years. This is game that 'I grew up with' - as our consoles changed the game didn't. I still play today with friends and family.
    Nintendo 2005, Mariokart DS, videogame, DS Lite, Nintendo
    Mariokart DS Cover, Viewed March 5 2023
  • Spoons

    Spoons first appeared 1990, and highlights a key memory for me, I learnt this game on a trip to Vietnam with a group of strangers and on this night it helped us come together, where I've formed some of my favourite memories and friendships.
    unknown 1990, spoons, card game.
    spoons set up and materials, viewed March 5, 2023
  • Fortnite

    Fortnite was released in 2017, This is a game that I associate with covid lockdown in SA. this is a game my brother and I played throughout the 3 day lock down to keep ourselves entertained. It also allowed for my brothers and I to communicate as we were split across households due to my parents divorce.
    Epic Games 2017, Fortnite, Videogame, Switch, Epic Games
    Game loading screen, viewed March 5, 2023
  • Animal Crossing

    Animal Crossing
    Animal Crossing New Horizons was released in 2020, this is a game that my brother and I used to help each other design our worlds and build our little villages. This is became a way we could keep in touch during covid times as we both stayed at different parent houses, and when I eventually moved to college
    Nintendo 2020, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, videogame, Switch, Nintendo
    Title Screen, viewed March 3, 2023
  • present