• World War

    World War
    In 10 years I think there will be a third world war. I think the first countries to fall will be the following:
  • Venezuela

    I believe that Venezuela will be one of the first countries to fall since Venezuela is a fairly weak country.
  • Ukranie

    I also think Ukraine will lose pretty quickly since it will still be at war with Russia and Russia is much more powerful militarily.
  • Russia

    Then I think Russia will fall since by destroying Ukraine the United States, Spain, that is, the members of the UN will help it and put an end to Russia.
  • Palestine

    Also, I think that Palestine will lose since it was still at war with Israel but Israel was stronger militarily.
  • Argentina

    After a few years, Argentina and France will face each other for the soccer World Cup, but since France was stronger, they would defeat Argentina.
  • France

    After two years, France will face many countries and end up losing.
  • Canada

    Canada also ends up defeated since all countries were at war and Canada was on the side of the United States, with which the United States would attack Canada and will be defeated.
  • Uruguay

    Later Uruguay will also fall as some countries would join forces to go after it and it will end up being defeated.
  • All countries defeated except the United States

    All countries defeated except the United States
    All countries going to end up falling into the hands of the United States, everyone will die except the inhabitants of the United States, they will be the only inhabitants of planet Earth.