My Five Stages of Saving and Investing

  • Today

  • Step One: Put-and-Take Account

    Develop a stable checking and/or savings account by this date.
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
  • Step Two: Beginning to Invest

    Start investing in low-risk things, such as bonds and mutual funds.
  • Complete undergrad studies

    Complete undergrad studies
  • New Car

    New Car
  • Step Three: Systematic Investing

    Begin investing in stocks, mutual funds, or annuities.
  • Complete Medical School

  • Internship

    Complete Intership
  • Residency

    Complete Residency
  • Fellowship

    Consider a fellowship (specializing in sports medicine, pediatric orthopedics, or other specialties)
  • New Car

  • Step Four: Strategic Investing

    Start diversifying my investment portfolio further.
  • First House

    First House
    First House
  • New House

    New House
  • New Car

    New Car
  • Step Five: Speculative Investing

    Begin thinking about investing into high risk things, such as penny stocks or collectibles. (Do not need to enter this stage if uncomfortable)
  • New Car

    New Car
  • New House

    Settle into a nice house I can live the rest of my life in.
  • Retirement

    Enter retirement.