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My first

By samsem7
  • When I started learning my ABCs

    When I started learning my ABCs
    When I was six years old, I would be sitting beside my grandma while she'd be reading her bible and I would start calling out letters that I had learned from a french cartoon I would watch every night before bed.
  • My grandma reading to me

    My grandma reading to me
    As I grew older and showed more interest in reading, my grandma started reading French books before bed and had me try to read along with her. It really helped me learn to read and improved my french.
  • When I moved to the U.S

    When I moved to the U.S
    When I first moved to the U.S adjusting to English was very hard for me. Although I spoke English at home, reading and understanding was very hard. I was put in ELL classes and most of the teachers I had worked with didn't think I would make any progress because of how bad my comprehension, writing, and reading skills were. But I showed them that I wanted to learn and so they never gave up on me.
  • End of 4th grade

    End of 4th grade
    After continuing to work with the ELL teacher, I had to read lots of books at school and at home. Although I hated it at first I had grown to love it.
  • My first summer reading

    My first summer reading
    During the summer going into 6th grade, we had to read a book over the summer and I chose 'Hatchet'. The book was so interesting that I had taken it on my family vacation and everyone was calling me a nerd for not being able to put it down.
  • My first English honors classes

    My first English honors classes
    In the 7th and 8th grade I got placed into ACL English classes, which had a lot of writing and reading involved. This class improved my skills and made me really enjoy reading fictional books.
  • Quarantine 2020

    Quarantine 2020
    During quarantine, I wasn't in the best state of mind and reading was the only thing that helped me feel better. I grew my book collection and read at least a new book every 2 weeks. Reading connects and puts me in the shoes of the characters.
  • Teacher encouragement

    Teacher encouragement
    As of right now I am enrolled in an AP English class because my last English teacher said that my NWEA score was very high and that I should challenge myself. I'm so glad that I took her advice because I think this class will be an easy A for since I like anything that involves writing.