My Favorite Chaperone

By goins4
  • The Move

    Maya and her family moved from Kazakhstan to America through an international dating magazine. Maya and her family came after Kazakhstan broke away from the Soviet Union. "We came to America through an internationaldating magazine"(Okimoto 4).
  • Permission Slips to Spring Fling

    Permission Slips to Spring Fling
    In Maya's homeroom class a very popular girl named Marcia Egness was passing out the permission slips to the Spring Fling all school dance. At first Maya didn't won't to even get one. Her parents always say that she can't go to these types of things. Maya states "In homeroom when Mr. Horswill handed out the permission slip for the Spring Fling, the all school dance, I almost didn't take one"(Okimoto 3). This quote shows how Maya feels about getting the permission slip.
  • The Fight

    The Fight
    Mrs. Coe called Maya to Mr. Walsh's office because Nurzhan had gotten into a big fight. This fight caused Maya to miss her gymnastics meet. They called Maya to translate for her dad.