My Exposure on Media (Bernadette Marcelino 12-HUMSS)

  • Consonants and Vowels

    Consonants and Vowels
    • My grandmother taught me to read and write through the book of consonants and vowels.
  • Television

    • I learned how to read and speak English through watching television.
  • Kumon Books and other textbooks

    Kumon Books and other textbooks
    • I used Kumon books and other textbooks for Maths and advance learnings.
  • Scriptures

    • I used scriptures to practice reading faster.
  • Korean Textbooks

    Korean Textbooks
    • I was taught Korean language by my aunt using Korean textbooks.
  • Internet

    • I used internet for further learnings.
  • Social Media

    Social Media
    • I used social media for communication.
  • Cellphone

    • I used cellphone for communication purposes and for entertainment.