The London Mathematical Society
Publishes books, organizes mathematical conferences, provides funding for mathematics research and awards prizes and fellowships for excellence in mathematical research. -
Separation of Primary and Secondary schools
In 1918 the Fisher Act separated children by age into Primary and Secondary schools, this meant children could be taught different content and in different ways which led to a much better education. -
Haddow Report
The Haddow Report introduced selection at age 11 for students to either attend Secondary modern Schools or Grammar schools (these were free but the price of the uniforms and supplies was costly. There were also places for people that paid) -
Butler Education Act
The Butler Education Act made compulsory free secondary education until the age of 15.
Also free education until the age of 18.
Selection of secondary schools was now by the 11+ test.
Now there were three types of Secondary schools: Grammar schools (Pass the 11+, classical academic education), Technical (General education with a focus on practical skills, training for a vocation) and Secondary modern (fail 11+ general education/ preparation for work). -
Eliminate separation in secondary
The Labour government tried to end selection at 11+ and to eliminate separation in Secondary school education. -
Invension of the handheld calculator
A Texas Instruments group developed the first handheld calculator. It was just over 6 inches tall, weighed 55lbs and cost $2500 -
LEA's not comprehensive
Local Education Authorities (LEA's) no longer required to be comprehensive.
Between 65-75 LEA's abandoned selection, but many grammar schools resisted, this is why grammar schools still exist. -
Raised school leaving age
School became mandatory for everyone until they were 16 years old. -
Basic calculators started to get used in classrooms as they became more affordable. -
Cockcroft Report
The Cockcroft report was published in 1982. Is it about Mathematical education: what should be taught at different stages; training the teachers should have; when and how mathematics should be assessed and the use of computers and calculators in Mathematics. -
Graphical Calculator
The first time graphing calculators were used in a classroom. -
GCSE replaced O levels
In 1986 O levels were replaced by GCSE, this meant that I sat GCSE's. GCSE put all students on the same scale of 7 grades from A to G. The exam boards were condensed into 5 main exam boards with a uniform standard for skills and knowledge that is tested. -
National curriculum
The national curriculum was introduced to all state schools in the UK (except Scotland).This meant all children got the same standard of education. -
7 year old SATs
Standard Assessment tests (SATs) are brought in for all 7 year olds. -
Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) was founded in 1992. Ofsted is responsible for inspecting and regulating education and training for learners of all ages.
The creation of Ofsted improved education and monitors all schools advising when and where improvement is needed. -
More SATs
SATs were introduced for 11 year olds. -
A* became available in GCSE. -
Education Act
The Education act requires all maintained schools to offer courses in Religious education (parents can take their child out of these). Also Secondary schools have to offer a Sexual education programme. -
Even more SATs
SATs are introduced for all 14 year olds. -
Day I was born.
I was born at Stafford Hospital -
General Teaching Council
In 2000 the General Teaching Council for England was established.
The GTC is the professional body for teaching in England and there overall purpose is to work in the public interest to help improve standards of teaching and learning. -
Seven Millennium Prize Problems
The Clay Mathematics Institute announced the seven Millennium Prize Problems. -
Modular A-levels
Modular exams were introduced to A-level with the thought been most students would do 4 As-levels with 3 "assessment units" each. Then carry on 3 to year 2. -
AS Level
Advanced Subsidiary (As) was introduced, it is the qualification for the "first part" of your A-level. If the subject in continues to A-level then it contributes to the final grade, if not the As-level is a qualifications. This made it possible to try more subjects at As then choose the ones you are best at for A-level. -
Started Primary School
I started in reception at Etching Hill Primary School. -
More Subjects at GCSE
A new law forces schools to offer at least one GCSE course in each of these groups: DT, the Arts, modern foreign languages and the humanities. -
Poincaré conjecture
The only Millenium prize proved has been the Poincaré conjecture. It was proved by Grigori Perelman in 2003.
Its review was completed in August 2006 and he was awarded the Millenium prize on 18 March 2010. -
Family relationships
The law, preventing councils and schools from promoting the acceptance of homosexuality as a family relationship, was abolished. -
Every Child Matters, the Children’s Act 2004
In 2004 a consultation, following the publishing of a green paper called every child matters, led to Every Child Matters: Change for Children being published and the passing of the Children’s Act 2004.
The aim is that every child should:
· Be healthy
· Stay safe
· Enjoy and achieve
· Make a positive contribution
· Achieve economic well-being -
Learning an Instrument
I decided after learning to play the piano at home to learn an instrument. My dad gave me the option of the flute or trumpet. I picked the trumpet and started in school lessons that lasted about 20 minutes. -
Year 6 SAT's
I sat Mathematics, English and Science in year 6. I got 3 level 5's. -
Leaving Primary School
I left Primary on the 16th July; we had a leaving party on the field. -
Started secondary school
I started at Fair Oak Business and Enterprise College on 8th September. -
Abolishing 14yr old SATs
In 2008 they abolished the use of year 9 SATs, this made it so I never sat year 9 SATs. This also made it possible for me to do early GCSE's. -
Removal of Science test for 11 year olds.
The Science test for 11 year olds is removed. -
OCR Nationals
I did OCR nationals in year 8 as part of compulsory ICT lessons. -
Choosing first two GCSE options
My year was selected as a 'Guinea pig' year. We were told halfway though year 8 that we would be choosing 2 GCSE options for year 9, then another 2 for year 10 and a last 2 for year 11. We also started GCSE work for Mathematics, English and Science in year 9. I finished non-core subjects such as French, Drama, ICT, ART, DT, Music, RE, Citizenship and the Humanities. -
Stopped music lessons
I decided to stop having Trumpet lessons toward the end of year 8 as I was starting my GCSE's the year after and I didn't want to be going out of lessons for 20-30 minutes each week. -
Started my first GCSE's
I started my two options of History and Business Studies GCSE's -
A* Now achievable in A-level
In 2010 it became available to achieve an A* in A-level making high entrance grade universities even harder to get into. -
Scrapping Specialist Schools Funding
The extra funding gave to specialist schools was scrapped, this lead my school to becoming an academy as it had previously been a Business and Enterprise specialist school. -
Started second set of optional GCSE's
I took Business Studies an extra year as is was a BTEC, for year 1 you got a certificate, for year 2 you got the diploma. I also took Geography. -
Science GCSE
We got told at the start of year 10 that my group would not be doing triple science. The content we needed to cover in year 9 had not been covered and no Science teachers were willing to hold extra Science lessons for us to catch up. -
Replacing the GTCE
General Teaching Council for England (GTCE) will be replaced by the Teaching Agency, newly formed and part of the Department for Education (DfE). -
English Baccalaureate
I refused to take a language when pushed to do the EBacc. -
Mathematics GSCE
I did my Mathematics GCSE exams in year 10. In year 11 we did C1 As-level work. I also did my English coursework for English Language and English Literature. -
Fair oak became an Academy
Fair Oak Business and Enterprise College became Fair Oak Academy and joined the Rugeley Academies. -
Skills test
Pre-entry skills tests introduced anyone applying for a teacher training course. The Numeracy and English skills test have to be passed by the end of the course. -
Started third set of optional GCSE's
In my last year I opted for Art and Design BTEC and Graphics, I chose these as I wanted some more creative options and also I had my English and Double Science GCSE work and exams that year and therefore wanted lest stressful exams from my options. -
End of January Exams
2013 January was the last opportunity to sit A-level January exams. This meant that I did not sit any of my As or A-level exams in January. -
Left Fair Oak Academy
I finished my exams and left Fair Oak on the 13 of June. -
Choosing 6th Form
I opted to not continue into the Rugeley Academy sixth form, it had low results and my favourite teacher who had been appointed as head of the sixth form to improve this left for a better job. I looked at a few and chose to apply to Walton 6th form in Milford. -
Amendment to skills tests
Anyone apply for ITT (Initial Teacher Training) course that starts after July 2013 will have to pass the skills tests before the starting of the course. -
Starting As-Levels
I chose Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as my As-levels. I chose to attend Walton 6th Form. -
National curriculum 2014
GCSE mathematics was changed to include the learning of Probability and Statistics. -
I chose to carry on Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Physics. I dropped Chemistry as I found the subject boring. -
Applying to University
I applied to universities for Mathematics BSc courses though UCAS in January 2015. -
A-level results and UCAS Clearing
I got my A-level results on the 13th of August; I did not get into where I applied so I went onto UCAS Clearing and looked for Mathematics and Education courses. I rang up many universities. I went to three interviews can cancelled a fourth. I decided that of the five places I was offered through clearing to attend the University of Wolverhampton and take BSc Mathematics with Secondary QTS. -
Start at Wolverhampton University
Induction week started on the 5th of October. I registered for my course BSc Hons Mathematics with Secondary QTS.