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My English Learning

  • First Time Learning english (Preescolar.)

    First Time Learning english (Preescolar.)
    I can't remember everything, but, i was terrified, because was my first time learning a new lenguage. First time we learned english, we learned about the greet. My first experience was like other experience, so difficult for me, but, with the time i learned more and more and it made it more easier.
  • After one year. (Transición.)

    After one year. (Transición.)
    A year has been passed, and I begin to lose my fear of learning a new language, because my mom teach to me other things in the house. This year we learned about the numbers, it was so easy. During this time, the experience was more easy, because my mother helped me a lot, she bring me a very good experience.
  • ¡A new Life begin! ¡A new english teacher! (First Primary.)

    ¡A new Life begin! ¡A new english teacher! (First Primary.)
    After two year just learning with the same teacher, now, we have a new teacher, i'm so excited ¡¿How will be this new instructor!? We learned about two different things: Colors and Animals. My learning experience was very very very bad, because this tutor was so Strict, i lost every test and my mom was so worried about me.
  • New Themes, new teacher again. (Second Primary.)

    New Themes, new teacher again. (Second Primary.)
    In this year, we learned about the first second and third person, it was so easy, because my mom teach me that before begin this year. My experience was... Good, after a year being teach by a very very bad teacher, this year, we have a new teacher who teach us in a esaier way.Even, i've become in the best student in the area ¡It was amazing!
  • New learnings, same teacher. (Third Primary.)

    New learnings, same teacher. (Third Primary.)
    This year we learned about the friends and the rest of the numbers, was so boring and easy. My learning experience was bad, so bad but..¡Finally! Looks like we have a permament teacher. This year was so...Disappointing, because was more like a... Recoil for me. I didn't like it.
  • ¡2014! Worst year EVER. (Fouth Primary.)

    ¡2014! Worst year EVER. (Fouth Primary.)
    This year we've learned something so so so basic. The House, the family and their parts. Every Year gets worse, this time we learned about something much more easy, so easy. It's the same teacher, but, actually i felt it's someone more.
  • 2015 ¿An avance? (Fifth primary.)

    2015 ¿An avance? (Fifth primary.)
    This year we learned about the whole body, their parts and their functions, being frank, i liked it. My experience was so good and bad at the same time because... We don't have our classic teacher this year. I felt we finally had an advance, because, what we learned i didn't know yet and, for me was very complex and difficult. For the rest of the class was very easy.
  • This is definitely a recoil. ¿¡Really we're going to learn this!? (Sixth Primary.)

    This is definitely a recoil. ¿¡Really we're going to learn this!? (Sixth Primary.)
    During this new year.. We learned about one theme, just one theme, and it was so easy. The music, i like the music, but ¿Really he is going to teach us that now? My learning experience was.. ¡Horrible! ¡During the whole year just teaches us about the music Definitely this is the WORSE year learning english.
  • ¡Finally! ¡New themes! ¡I liked it this! (Seventh secondary.)

    ¡Finally! ¡New themes! ¡I liked it this! (Seventh secondary.)
    This year we finally learned about a lot of new things, we learned about the irregular and regular verbs, the past simple and the future, i didn't know anything about those whole of things My learning experience was... ¡Awesome! ¡It's the same teacher! ¡I can't believe it! ¡This year was so exciting and full of learning! ¡I liked it a lot! ¡It was so productive! ¡It was the best year ever! ¡Same teacher but different form to teach! ¡This year was perfect!
  • ¡New home! ¡New experiences! ¡Everything is changing! (Eight Secondary)

    ¡New home! ¡New experiences! ¡Everything is changing! (Eight Secondary)
    Still we doesn't know what are we going to learn during the year.. But now, we are making a TimeLine.. So... I think we're going to learn about the time, i guess. We're starting the year.. And i'm studing now in a new school, the teacher is so compresive and very very friendly, i like this new class, but, i still don't know what are we going to learn, i hope it'll be something interesting.