My employment timeline

  • Period: to

    my employment time line

  • Speacial achievements in your life

    Speacial achievements in your life
    Made the London Badgers baseball team
  • awards

    I got honors in grade nine
  • resume created

    resume created
    created my first resume because i wanted to get a job
  • job interview

    job interview
    had my first job interveiw at mcdonalds
  • work experience

    work experience
    I work at mcdonalds
  • volunteer work completed

    volunteer work completed
    im at about 25 hours now and will get some during winter helping out with baseball
  • high school graduation

    high school graduation
    graduated from parkside
  • start of post secondary school

    start of post secondary school
    hope to go to university for baseball
  • start of second post secondary school

    start of second post secondary school
    If i dont get in to a university ill go to jounior college for a couple years then go to univerity.
  • Start of carreer

    Start of carreer
    hope to make the minor leauges for baseball
  • completion of post secondary school

    completion of post secondary school
  • rent an apartment or buy a house

    rent an apartment or buy a house
    wanted to move out of parent house and buy/rent my own
  • Move out of parents house

    Move out of parents house
    After coming home from university i want to move out and be more independent.
  • Buy my first car

    Buy my first car
    Need transportation because i just moved out
  • Life change family

    Life change family
    get married
  • relocate

    if i go to minor leauges move to where the team is from