My education history

  • My first days of school

    My first days of school
    The first school I went to was called Indus early learning school I did jk and sk there. My teachers name Ms Kavitha . And my favourite subject was music I learned how to play the keyboard/piano there. my music teacher Ms Priya was very kind. I also remember doing two plays there in one of them I played Snow White and the other I played the piano I remember practising for so long for that. I also remember having lots of fun during recess scince there was a trampoline in the school.
  • Skating

    When I was five years old I used to go to roller skating classes on the first day we did a race but we weren’t allowed to actually skate we had to walk in roller skates the first step I took I fell backwards and hurt my self I cried a lot that day but I still went for classes and I got better but I stoped when I started CIS.
  • New school (CIS)

    New school (CIS)
    I started CIS in 2017 but before I could enter I had to do a test to see wich grade I belong in I did the test and I got put in 1st grade . My teachers name was Ms Ashi she isn’t in school now but she was very kind teacher . I remember in first grade that we had to mark present wich I thought was fun at the time and we did estimates in the morning where miss would put a bunch of erasers in a cup and we had to guess how many where there I usually got it right all the time and I got very happy.
  • Grade 2

    Grade 2
    One my first day of 2nd grade I remember going into the wrong class there was 2a and 2b I was in the list of 2a so I went and sat in the class but half way through the first lesson a teacher from 2b told me I got moved to 2b for some reason. I was fine with it because my best friends were in that class my teachers name was Ms Laura at first I was scared of her and I never knew why. But 2nd grade was. Very fun and exciting.
  • Grade 3

    Grade 3
    In 3rd grade my teachers name was Ms Katie she was a kind but a little strict. If we were too noisy we had to spend 5 minutes of our recess in the class and if we made any noise she added 1 min. But other than that 3rd grade was a lot of fun we did pottery and had spirit week. 3rd grade was also when Covid started so we had to switch to online school. At first I thought it was that we didn’t have to wake up early but later on I realised it got very boring not being able to play with my friends.
  • Grade 4

    Grade 4
    In fourth grade we only did online classes and because of it it wasn’t the best year . I didn’t get to talk to my friends much but I had a good teacher her name was Ms suparna we had classes every morning and afternoon and other subjects at other times. We also use to have 1 on 1 classes. With the teachers. Where we talked about how classes were going at the time I had a lot of missing work to catch up on but eventually I did them all and got a moose point. And just like that 4th grade was over.
  • Grade 5

    Grade 5
    When I first started fifth grade it was still online school but the Covid 19 cases we’re getting better for the first six months of fifth grade it was only online school and mostly like 4th grade where we would have classes in the morning and afternoon. After the first six months physical school stated again and I was very exited. We did alternate days of school like Monday Wednesday and Friday was a few grades and the other days the rest of the grades. We also had exams at the end of the year.
  • Grade 6

    Grade 6
    Now I’m in grade 6 it’s way different from all my other grades since I have a different teacher for every subject the first few days of 6th grade I got home very tired because I wasn’t used to the walking from class to class but now I am. 1 semester of 6th grade is over and I even got an award for getting an overall score of more that 90% I’m very happy about it. We also had a winter dance it was so much fun I got to dance and have fun for a whole night with my friends. So far I love 6th grade.