My early childhood education timeline

  • 1856 BCE

    Margarthe Schurz

    Margarthe Schurz
    She open the first kindergarten in the United States
  • Kindergarten

    The first kindergarten was a Germa school started by Froebel
  • Butler School

    The institute opened up as a free school for black children including kindergarten curriculum for five year olds.
  • White House

    White House
    Theodore Roosevelt held the first conference on children in the white house.
    The establishment of the Children's bureau in 1912
  • Patty Smith Hill

    Patty Smith Hill
    The national committee of nursery school was founded. eventually the national association or the education of young children (NAEYC)
  • Dorthy Howard

    Dorthy Howard
    She established the first black nursery school in Washington D.C and operated it for over 50 years
  • Supreme Court

    Supreme Court
    The supreme court ruled in Brown v Board of education that in public education to doctrine of separate but equal has no place
  • Head Start

    Head Start
    The federal government created the largest public funded education program for young children

    Published a report entitled Developmentally Appropriate Practices outlines what is meant by quality work with young children from infancy through age 8
  • The President

    The President
    The' first American Summit on Early Childhood Education is convened in Washington D.C. by President Barack Obama