My Developmental Timeline

  • Freud-0-18 months; Oral- experiencing through mouth.

    Oral Stage- 0-18 months. Experiencing through mouth.
  • Piaget- Birth -2; children interact through learning environments.

  • First teeth

    My first tooth.
  • Freud-18-36 months- Phallic; Gender Difference

  • I can walk.

  • Erikson- 1-3, Autonomy vs. Shame; Exploring vs. Punishing.

  • My First Word - "Pretty"

  • Potty trained!

  • Said first naughty words

  • Piaget, 2-7 - Preoperational - Learn to understand through symbols.

  • Kohlberg- Level 1 Stage 2; Satisfy self interests not right vs wrong.

  • Erikson- 3-5; Initiative vs. Guilt; Assumes responsibility vs. guilty.

  • Erikson 5-12; Industry vs Inferiority; energy into school vs not completing tasks.

  • Freud - 6-puberty; Latency; Sexual feelings not known.

  • Level 2 Stage 1; Decisions on what others think of us.

  • Piaget 7-11; Concrete; Use logical analogies but lack abstract thoughts.

  • Erikson Identity vs Role Confusion; Develop adult behaviors vs being irresponsible.

  • Freud Puberty on; Genital- Maturation in sexual interests.

  • Learn to deal on my own

  • Kohlberg Level 3 Stage 5; Thinking with abstract ideas.

  • Piaget Formal; Reason abstractly.