my career goals

  • figure out what type of career i want

    i will find a career i like so i can plan for it.
  • plan highschool classes for that job

    i need to plan highschool classes so i can have experience in the job i want
  • find a job opening that relates to the career i want

    i need a job to pay for act prep, taking the test, and for college
  • Period: to

    study for act

    i need to study for the act so i can get in to good colleges
  • take the act

    i will take the act because colleges look at act scores
  • graduate highschool

    all colleges need a highschool diploma and many jobs do to.
  • apply for colleges that have classes that relate to my career

    i need college for many high paying jobs
  • Period: to

    get accepted and go to college

    i need college for many jobs so i will pick classes that will help me with my careeer
  • find a new job with better hours and pay

    i will need a job to pay off college and it will be about the career i want.
  • finish college and find the career i want

    i will have a degree which will make it eaiser