My Best Friend

  • First Met

    I met my best friend at an event from her church. I was alone, I didn't really know anyone I was new person. She came and we hung out. Sense then we started talking over the internet everyday and hanging out a lot.
  • Cristmas Party 2013

    Cristmas Party 2013
    This day, we had each other. There was this situation going on and she stood by my side no matter what. She didn't care if she was getting into the problem. I would do the same for her.
  • My Quincearea

    My Quincearea
    This day was nervousing. Huge day. Celebration 15 years of my life. She helped calm myself with my other friends. She kept my dress clean and we were just being us. She was great dama (like a bachelorette for a wedding)
  • her birthday sleep over

    her birthday sleep over
    I went to her sleepover, I knew if I wouldv'e gone I would get my mind off things from issues back where I live. Even though I put my feelings aside she gave me confort.
  • Her break up.

    Her break up.
    When her and her boyfriend broke up I was there to help her through it. Even though she was extremely heart broken she still managed a smile. I did everything I could to get her mind off things.
  • Wonderland

    We went with group of my friends from my church and I old her too come with me. Even though we weren't partners at any point on any rides we still did our inside jokes and those looks only we can read. We were told we have a very strong friendship.
  • Christmas Party 2014

    Christmas Party 2014
    We had our backs. She had a rough day so I did my best to make this night amazing. We were always togther, follow each other around. Kept her away from this one girl that annoyed so much. We had fun though. a night we would never forget.