Great Great Grandmother
Sophia Richter, ?-? Immigrated to Chile from Germany 1845 Possibly Great Great Great Grandmother -
Great Great Grandfather
? Richter Immigrated from Germany to Chile 1845 Possibly Great Great Great Grandfather -
GreatGrandfather 2
Herny Puelma, 1870-1938 Immigrated from Chile to Germany 1926 -
Great Grandfather
Joaqin Gil, Murcia Spain, 1885-1961 -
Great Grandmother
Maria Espinosa, Murcia Spain, 1888-1974 -
GreatGrandmother 2
Sophia Pivonka, 1890-1972 Immigrated from Chile to Germany 1926 Immigrated from Germany to Switzerland 1938 -
Manuel Gil, 1917-2000 Immigrated from Spain to Morroco 1948
Imigrated from Morroco to USA (Boston) 1957 -
Elena Puelma, 1923-2010 Imigrated from Chile to Germany 1926 Imigrated from Germany to Switzerland 1938 Imigrated from Switzerland to Spain 1947 Imigrated from Spain to Morroco 1948 Immigrated from Morroco to USA (Boston) 1957 -
Marieta Gil, 1952- Immigrated from Morroco to USA (boston) 1957 -
Aunt 2
Monique Rogers Immigreated from Morroco to USA (boston) 1957 -
Yvonne Pierce 1964- -
Colin Pierce 1999-