MWH 2021 World History Timeline

By 2024059
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was the treaty signed after WWI declaring peace. This treaty laid almost all of the blame on Germany and requested an astronomical amount of reparations for Germany to pay. This lead Germany into a great depression and left Germans helpless and desperate for help.
  • Hitler is Elected Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler is Elected Chancellor of Germany
    Adolf Hitler is elected as chancellor of Germany after many victories of the Nazi political party. Most of these victories came as a result of the Nazis eliminating their competition. Hitler's ideas of large change in the government were very appealing to the Germans in their time of struggle.
  • Germany gets Rhineland

    Germany gets Rhineland
    Gaining Rhineland was the Nazi's first gain of land since WWI. This land was gained without any bloodshed and was viewed as an act of appeasement. Marching into Rhineland was also Germany's first time directly disobeying the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Germany advances into Austria

    Germany advances into Austria
    The Nazi's next move was to take Austria. They said that it was rightfully theirs because of the German-speaking Austrians. This move was also said to be another act of appeasement by the Europeans. They were trying to avoid war at any cost.
  • Germany is given Sudentenland

    Germany is given Sudentenland
    As yet another act of appeasement, Germany is given Sudentenland. This was a small part of the border of Czechoslovakia. GIving Germany this little chunk of land would be the last act of appeasement by Europe before WWII.
  • The Soviets and Nazis take over Poland

    The Soviets and Nazis take over Poland
    The Nazis and Soviet Union sign a non-aggression pact in which they agree to work together and take Poland. The two partys split the country in terms of land after invading. It was this action that caused Britain to declare war.
  • Battle of Britian

    Battle of Britian
    The Nazis decide to go after Britain after they declare war. The British were not prepared for such a harsh attack by the Germans. They used their infamous blitzkrieg technique to attack the British and leave them in shambles.
  • Opperation Barbarossa

    Opperation Barbarossa
    The Germans decide to break their non-aggression past with the Soviet Union and invade the Western part of the Soviets union. This greatly angered the Soviets and they would eventually fight back.
  • Bombing of Pearl Harbor

    Bombing of Pearl Harbor
    The first act of war on the Pacific was the bombing of Pearl Harbor. This bombing was carried out by the Japanese on an American navy base. This bombing sunk a very large amount of American ships and started the war on the Pacific.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    The Battle of Midway was a major naval battle in the Pacific during World War II that took place on 4–7 June 1942, six months after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. This was one of the first-ever all navy battles in a war.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    The Soviets push back the Nazis and take back a very large part of the Western Soviet Union. This was one of the final battles of WWII and was by far the biggest for the Soviet Union.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    After seeing what was happening in Europe the US decides to enter the war in the form of operation torch. This operation was an allied effort in which they took over some of North Africa in order to apply pressure on the Nazis.
  • D-Day

    The United States launches a huge attack on the shores of Normandy. The first few waves of soldiers suffered mass casualty but they did not give up. The Axis was not ready for the brute force and amount of American weapons and soldiers. This was one of the bloodiest and most important battles of WWII.
  • The Battle of Okinawa

    The Battle of Okinawa
    The Battle of Okinawa was one of the last battles on the Pacific front of WWII. This battles was odd because at first there was no Japanese resistance by the end it turned out to be one of the bloodiest battles of the war.